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Title: Civil servants were given the task of filling the reports of children who are in the program to save poor households TASAF
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Civil servants were given the task of filling the reports of children who are in the program to save poor households TASAF III ensure th...

Civil servants were given the task of filling the reports of children who are in the program to save poor households TASAF III ensure they filled fully with those who refuse to fill them on the pretext of wanting to earn an allowance for work that had to be reported immediately so that they can be taken disciplinary measures against them.

The statement issued by the chairman of the district council of Karagwe Wallesi Shanda while giving education and speech to beneficiaries of rescue poor households of the village of Canons Ward Canon as a continuation of the finance committee, planning and economy continuing to visit beneficiaries and give them education proper use of subsidies they receive.

He said in a brief statement read out by the local executive has identified the existence of some civil servants who have been employed for the purpose of providing services to citizens, but they failed to do so they need to be paid or given bribes environmental cause it will not tolerate the man.

Shanda has urged beneficiaries of TASAF III program with subsidies they receive for their intended purpose and will go against these objectives for drinking and carrying things that contribute to the development reclaim back will not hesitate to take him away immediately to the plan.

He has asked also to make sure they put the strategy of environmental protection by planting trees, caring friends vegetation also use this opportunity as a way to get rid of as ascending economic fruit trees will be able to sell and earning money.

He councilor Nyakahanga Charles Bechumila who is chairman of the committee of permanent health, education and water has urged beneficiaries of the scheme to join the social package of CHF to receive access to free medical care for the whole year for Kaya with six people contribute ten shillings and only five.

However, beneficiaries were visited in their homes have described the money zilivyowasaidia change their lives and now they are due to receive the grant.

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