The Citizen of the village of Kishoju , Kihanga Ward Karagwe district in
Kagera have asked the chief of the district of Karagwe using a consensus
to end the crisis of land in the village and the Diocese of Karagwe
ongoing rather than coercion and authoritarianism that does not bring a
solution to solve the crisis.
Speaking to a team of journalists to information of various entities
who visited all areas with the crisis the citizens have said that they
do not object to progress even university kinachojengwa they are in
need, but what is needed is to follow the procedure and their right
isiporwe because there are these areas more than 30 years.
The Citizen they have demanded that the head of the district instead of using
the means of staying the same table with the leadership of the village
government but have shughudia threats of using troops and offices of
land districts want to do surveying land without consulting the
leadership of the villagers who are the inhabitants of these areas.
Councillor Kihanga Rwamuhangira Steven forearm has said that there is a
suspicion passed that citizens of the victim did not want the
construction of the university added that the same applies to lose a
situation as and they need development and good neighborliness, but they
need the procedure kutoonea person and developed to become the all...Chairman
of the Village of Kishoju Dawson Bampabula said village government
fails to operate in accordance with the threats issued by the head of
the district of Karagwe Deodatus Kinawiro up to keep them inside on the
grounds that they are stir up conflict also for what he exclaims that
they failed to implement the order of allocating land when they no citizen who had ever kumnyanganya land.
Karagwe District Commissioner was pofuatwa and the media respond to
the concerns of citizens responded briefly and gives notes that the
crisis has ended already finished and closed the debate, adding that the
Karagwe Diocese of this Church hold legally.
For his part, Secretary General of the Karagwe Diocese of this Church
Pastor Anaceth Gayane speaking to journalists said the diocese owns the
land legally and were given 1980
.However Karagwe Forum will continue to cooperate with the team of journalists to
monitor the crisis and make a detailed analysis to ensure peace,
stability and progress of the construction of the university is
successful but even the right of citizens available to reconciliation
and good neighborliness existence.
» The Citizen of the village of Kishoju , Kihanga Ward Karagwe district in Kagera have asked the chief of the district of Karagwe using a consensus to end the crisis of land in the village and the Diocese of Karagwe
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